for a good list of them all:
WOULD USE smoothgallery but this dosn't allow easily for resizing of images that are different sizes.
thinking will use galleria and hide the thumbnails since it allows different size images, BUT it dosnt scale them nicely like lightbox does.
thinking maybe use lightbox without the background being faded BUT it will move around the page= not good...
maybe can use galleria with easing plugin or something to make the transition between different sized images. smoothgallery is mootools might be a conflict...
jQuery Cycle?? not as full featured...
the coda slider???
this popeye dosnt have the greying effect but only opens ot lef or right
a hack...
at bottom if using php
using galleria image sizing forum posts
actually whoever linked to this has got it figured out basically. vertically it centres, but nt hosizontally...
when it think about it, as long as they dont want some customised sliding transition, if the images are just width, height auto varied, with margin top and sides auto varied, it should float in the center of the div (like margin: 0 auto 0 auto;). what about margin: auto: does that work on all dirctions to make something float in the centre of a div? if it did then that would be what i use to make a whole site stay centered in the browser window, but i have to use a special 50% thing in css with specific values... so maybe autoing the left and right margins is possible, but not top and bottom....
more later, but basically the issues is...
there can be no lightbox style easing transition between different sized images without much work, for a gallery in a div.
what will suffice is a complete fade out fade in (not crossfade) like seen in galleria... and finding some way to vertically and horizontally centre different sized images in a div with css (but no next image buttons?)
and maybe galleria not right, just need to innerfade thing...
actually, dont do anymore work until confirmed the artwork...
heres a link from smoothgallery for resizing images
possibly use the thumbnails resizer script... does that know how to centre...
this may be the answer...
with this
but really, just need to try it with the current smoothgallery, see what happens when different sized images are thrown at it, and then try doing some css-ing to make it vertically centered, maybe learn some php to make it vertically centered, horizontal should be easy... unless auto dosnt work.
might just need to 'get image height, and make margin top 50% of div height minus image height... '... and reposition it before it shows the image... tricky...
someone out there must have solved this surely... everyone has portrait and landscape pictures they need to account for, and not everyone want their images aligned to the top, but centered...
i find it interesting that most galleries except the original lightbox style dont seem to have great options for different sized content...
has anyone made a lightbox in a div??? its s sad i cant find an example after 4 hours, i just want the same funtionality thats already been made for these lightboxes, but in a div instead of a modal popup...
the ultimate would be if it had a feature like 'modal = true' so if its false, it appears in a div...