Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

photoshop colour for web design

really important article on how to setup photoshop properly for web

drupal links - compact login block etc

compact login block - but IE7 has problem looks like

with jquery but theres problems cross browser with form prefilling

how to add function to change the text of the labels or submit button

this looks like a good drupal module to use for compacting the login block

other drupal stuff
a module makes the code formatting look good and can remove ms word tags put in by content adders.
login or register link...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

white background flickering in IE, chrome

dark css background, wordpress install, when switching/loading between 2 pretty much empty black pages, i see an offensive white flash, nowhere do i have background-color:#FFF in my css, what gives!...

website speed tips

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

swfobject 2 and great examples of use code

swf as a background image examples... not using z-index, just absolute positioning

this example dosnt use z-index, but position relative on a wrapper, inside which the overlay content is given position absolute... source order of overlay and content not important as long as all in the wrapper...
reckons tested in Firefox 3, IE 6, and Safari 4

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Flash Preloaders

Here are some preloaders I want to try out, just need a simple thin line with cutomisable colour, or full page wipe.

full page line, looks slick. dosn't work for some people.

good helpful comments, can be made to go fullscreen... no complaints.
customisable lines and percents

another line loader- colours customise with changing movieclip manually.

this is cool it goes from middle outwards, not many purchases or info about it, but its nice and a bit different... hopefully can turn off the auto fade-out... no complaints yet, not much feedback. it might just blend ok with the other lines in the file...

looks good, fullscreen, customisable by code, all features, includes a fade into the flash file... new not much feedback.

this looks ok thought check ffox3 on PC see if it works...

JQuery Slideviewer and Supersized (lg bkrnd img) and fancy thumbnail
fancy thumbnail hover effect with JQuery - great for a little portfolio - would work cool as a massive grid....

JQuery Supersized
-for large background image slideshows. adjusts the size of the image proportionally. )
-i might just use for that function, not for slideshow.
JQuery Slideviewer
This is worth a second look.
-from unordered list
-Has slide across transition, including customisable easing if desired.
-dont need to set width and height.
-Click image for next or use pagination (no thumbnails)
-recently updated
-tooltips on pagination if required

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New typography links and examples.. for great body copy, . and css font stacks research

is it just me or is it hard to find a fully sans serif website these days? everyone has jumped on the serif is ok as a headline trend like a rash... and serif does look nice, but it think it still looks too classic and antiquated for some brands.
my 2 cents, the next big thing in web - is making it look like print. clean, spacious, grid based print.

anyway looking for type inspiration examples.... and typography reminders

im thinking the key to elegance is NOT having liquid body copy... body copy should have set width for good line length... i think it butchers readability to stretch body copy. think between 450px and 500px seems to be good... and text should never wrap around a body image or thumbnail, but stay columned... (dont know how to do this in drupal css... )

(remember to post that bike shop, had amazing use of times new roman uppercase... )

and this little note about off white and dark grey instead of black and white... from pretty good primer / reminder, good ref of css sizing of fonts.
The best thing to do (in my opinion) is to utilize an off-white (#F8F8F8) font on a black background and a dark gray (#252525) font on a white background. It helps the contrast become minimal and doesn’t strain the eyes as much for your visitors when they’re reading your content.

also - font size 13px, line height 18px, p margin bottom 18pxis good.

reminder about fonts... surely it cant be true that windows dosn't have helvetica... cry... might be time to try the new windows fonts cambria, etc etc...
and a testing page and grid of whats installed in what

except- calibri here, tested against helvetica, its smaller x height, looks really different. the abovelink i noticed 'microsoft sans serif...' looks like arial..

survey of serif fonts for win/osx/linux, remember it good to include a unix font as cheap school computers might run linux etc... corbel, calibri etc are only rated at 50%... so for sans serif, microsoft sans serif is the go...

this site reccomends this font stack for arial/helvetica, includes the unix font too: (yuk, arial is preferrenced, why cant everyone get helvetica dammit..)
font-family: Arial, "Microsoft Sans Serif", Tahoma, "Nimbus Sans L", Helvetica, sans-serif;
and this for verdana based (more open letters, better at smaller sizes)
font-family: Verdana, "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Geneva, "URW Gothic L", sans-serif;

it looks like corbel is useful for replacing verdana, and its much nicer looking, calibri is ok, guess its a nice change form arial, but using these means testing different typefaces on different systems... i dont want a mac and windows sseparate stylesheet, i cant use calibri because of the x height problem mentioned above.

or simply...
  • The ‘wide’ sans serif stack: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif
  • The ‘narrow’ sans serif stack: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif

heres a cool interactiv font stack builder...

helvetica/arial based stack, except i would not include calibri it is small than others. theres an explaination of this font stack here. personally, i think its too much, i already have to test my site for zooming, resolutions, oss, browsers, text resizing, if i throw in these font choices, then i need to also test for different combinations of font installations... each variation multiples the testing by itself. bar that, id reverse this list, except for a headline or something for a designer audience if it has a fancy headline with adobe fonts. i want to see each font in action on each o/s on my sites before i approve of its use.
font-family: Frutiger, "Frutiger Linotype", Univers, Calibri, "Gill Sans", "Gill Sans MT", "Myriad Pro", Myriad, "DejaVu Sans Condensed", "Liberation Sans", "Nimbus Sans L", Tahoma, Geneva, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
verdana based stack. except i would delete corbel it is smaller.
font-family: Corbel, "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Sans", "DejaVu Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans", "Liberation Sans", Verdana, "Verdana Ref", sans-serif;

this list at the bottom has a good examples of sans serif font stacks.

some sites on this list are using lucida, for body text. must check this out, never considered it.

this is really the source...

i think this is my favourite body copy so far...
"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif
and 471px wide body copy...
but think the size is going to be too small for the job im researching. shame. its really nice.

this body copy is good too...
unexpected body copy font stack... verdana??
Helvetica,"Helvetica Neue","Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode",Sans-Serif,Verdana,Arial
but generally, type colour and line length good... 450px wide box...
sizing is probably the smallest i can get away with.

Font stack: “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

just helvetica. (designers audience)

example of a lucida font stack for body copy.

just arial

i like this... lucida for body copy, helvetica for headings...
body copy... font-family:"lucida grande","lucida sans unicode",geneva,arial,sans-serif;
headings... font-family: helvetica,arial,sans-serif
(interesting the css property 'capitalise....' i hvant sen it before... good for cms's)
also like the block highlighting rollovers...

purely arial body copy but i quite like it, more condensed...

like this too... the r/ship of body copy and header / intro text... , although too small for my users. also really like the no nonsense clean sidenav.
everything..., font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif

wow, just using font-family: sans serif! let the computer decide!! just have great type heirachy and leave the rest to whims of the o/s....

this does ok for 14px body copy... 570px ish column width, guess to incorporate the larger size... bit gappy though not that elegant.

er good.
all arial... except some lil italics in georgia... and some column headings they have done as a picture... especially liking the 12px all caps footer headings... good example of a 'nodes' type styling... and just black.
just nice type heirachy, small text (11px) is holding up well. good example of san-serifs being still good to use.

actual post width is 580px, 14px type isze.. i prefer the 12px excerpt size... actual post copy isnt that great.... but readable...

this site has mackin body copy, bit light though.

font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif
wtf, line height is set to normal... hmmm... font size 75%, no margin bottom. is it a fluke..??
i really dont get how they have differentiated the top page header from the blurb, they look like completely different thicknesses, but nothing fancy inthe css, just 10% larger... think im missing comething... its really minimal actually on the css... tricky... anyway heartening that arial can look ok, its going to be my entire font choice.
580px line length for the body copy area..
also, look at the news pages, good example of what to do if they sometimes add node images, sometimes not...

this is good too
its another ludica for body copy, helvetica neue for headings... 388px wide body copy, nice, narrow...
gotta find out if lucida is on pc and mac... it could be nice feeling change from all arial.. and looks great with helvetica headings.

a good reminder to notice, to get the headings looking sleek , not fat and ugly, they need font-weight-normal... otherwise they default to an ugly bold. also, i think verdanas bold is ugly, lucidas is much nicer... helveticas is a bit shitty too, at small sizes, arials is better.
actually, im hating on verdana for body copy now, too gappy... shit bold, only good for small footer text etc. sleek = arial, helvetica or lucida...

on a very side note, this is an awesome design test

Grids... fluid 960 grid...

swf as a background image (or seemingly) using swfobject and z-index

this looks like the solution... but needs testing...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

other options for a wp gallery

this is meant for a banner, but it has a nav built in...

Friday, November 20, 2009

jquery page transitions?


fade out body onclick, slowly, use body unload too...

experimenting with fancy page loading, (without visible ugly browser refresh) definately important for smooth seamless experience... ) bit advanced for me to try right now... hasnt someone made a plugin yet??

maybe i can preload all my gals, and show/ hide them using jquery, so the page dosnt jump between albums... just

Thursday, November 19, 2009

wordpress gallery plugins that use the gallery shortcode

ok i have tried this out, and it is great but has a weird bug in IE6,7,8 where the large image dosn't always autoload when you visit the page for the second time, a release of next version is in the works, so check back when thats ready, but for now I cant use it.

its like devkick galleria, but for wordpress.
ok ive just tried this out, is promising, but ironically it has the same problem in IE browsers as above! no first large image loading. (MAY have to do with the fact I am testing the gallery on single post, or single page.)
a guy called ALEXANDER posted on the comments of the plugin a version he made, which you can download, where he adds some if is_single statements, and it then works, on single Posts, since i actually am planning to use on a single Page, is change the 3 ocurances of is_single to is_page, and now it works on pages, but broken on single posts of course, which dosn't bother me.

Wordpress tutorials and stuff

making a custom theme tutorial, good one, do this when have a second, recommends doing a html version first,
really really good list of common useful wordpress hacks
and this is good too
wordpress as a cms tutorial

CSS display:table - the end of the floated div?

basically, the old html table structure now is available in CSS making it much easier to make 3 column equal height layouts and image caption grids and so forth... - im trying to find out what browser support there is for this - like does IE6-7 have css display:table-cell properties??

ahh if you read the comments, it lacks...
-workingness in IE6-7
-ability to change around the source order for ultimate SEO
-buggy with % based widths that contract relationally

A problem for within-content-area layouts is that you loose the ability to position items absolutely within relative blocks. see...

heres an example of a tutorial on this that includes IE 6+7 workarounds. it is interesting but involves giving IE table tags in the source within conditional comments. I dont like how jumbled the markup becomes... it will all have to be removed eventually....

im not really into this, although i have used a table display thing to get vertical centering before which worked ok.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nice websites inspiration - css large backgrounds

and how to examples, this 'bad example is actually exactly what i need... the background and the content are 'fixed' together, and slide around as a unit.

this example is fine in IE6, dammit it bkrnd slides around in IE8 (at least the version i have installed, from april 2009... (try newer version??), IE7 is fine. Except for all IE versions, the size of the background image is the maximum window size you can stretch to... weird, i wonder what this looks like on a large res screen, how weird to constrain the window size to the background image size....

body { padding: 0; margin: 0; background: #f8f7e5 url(wdw-bg.jpg) no-repeat center top; width: 100%; /*stops the background image from shifting when you resize the browser window in FF and..saf?*/ display: table; /*stops the background image from shifting when you resize the browser window in FF and..saf?*/ }

and tip from there
Although large backgrounds at website look very nice it kills bandwidth and scares of visitors with slow internet connections.
So here are some tips&tricks how to use large background images and still have a fast loading speed:
- use the .gif extension (max 256 colors, with transparency support)
- use the .jpg extension with a higher compression (between 60 and 70)
- split the large image into smaller chunks, but requires some extra CSS
- load the background at the bottom of the HTML, requires some extra CSS

and this helpful things to note

Markup4U team

@Tor, Aaron Bassett
Setting a background for an html tag (thus, forcing the browser to calculate the width and height of the html element) will cause the body tag to be rendered as div and *not* fill the browser window’s full height (only as far as the content goes).
In such cases height/min-height properties should be set additionally.

display:table works here because the body is not *shown* as table, but *rendered* as table, i.e. the minimal box width is calculated. No side effect on seo/semantics :-)

Notes for IE6
1. setting expression like property for body’s min-width will fix this issue.
2. In some cases the width of the image needs to be wider than the container’s width.
For example:
* html body {
width: expression(document.documentElement.clientWidth < style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; ">}

Please note that such css selector is not valid so it should be placed in a separate CSS file and linked using conditional comments. 904px is a value for site’s min-width.

Great. This tutorial would have helped much when I tried to put a fixedbackground on my site.

If anybody is willing to try it, the CSS would look like this:

body {
background: fixed url(’./images/lacajita.jpg’) no-repeat center;
color: #333333;

This way, with “fixed” and without “top”, it stays completely centered, even when you’re seeing just a little part of the website through a small browser window.

I would be more careful with huge backgrounds in terms of using website for different browsers - and I’m not talking about chrome/safari issue. Major problem is still pixel rounding which is different in different browsers.
E.g. FF3 will put offset 1px to the left, while IE7 will do it other way plus 1px more. Issue is appearing mainly when ‘center’ is in use.
Personally I found the way doing backgrounds in separate divs (one below body) with ‘top left’ or ‘top right’ (image is still fixed with pixel size, so shouldn’t be any problems with it). That way makes it safer for cross-browssing & saving your time to make fixes in IE.

I hope pixel rounding will be unified one day in all of the browsers (knowing market actually, proofs me wrong).

And heres a solution for centering massive things in content not just bkrnd images, works in IE6, like a large flash file, that dosn't bump up against the edge of the browser
incase the page disappears heres the css:
body {  margin:0;  padding:0; }  #wrapper {  width:(element width);  height:(element height);  margin: (1/2 height) 0 0 (1/2 width);  padding:0;  position:absolute;  left:50%;  top:50% }

starting to think this is going to be too cross browser buggy (my plan was to exactly pixel perfect join an img, and elsewhere a swf, with a background image line, and have it all stretchy and centered... ... might just use one big image / flv centered like as above.... with some z-index magic over that... breaking up the image into different bits is asking for trouble.. 


Embedding Fonts in Flash

I just got a bit paranoid that fonts were not embedded in a Flash project properly. (for a exe / projector going into a CDROM)

How to test for this when I don't know what the users computer will have installed and what it defaults to? How do I see this result if I have the font installed?

DER moment, just drag that font your dynamic text field is using out of your (on a mac) System > Library > fonts folder and anywhere else it is installed. (search for the font name in spotlight). Drag the font file onto your desktop or something and your computer will think that the font isn't installed. Then test your projector (built before 'uninstalling' the font of course), and low and behold, if you havn't got your fonts embedded in your projector, you will see the default font, which is Times. This will very clearly show you if your fonts are embedded in every dynamic text box instance in your project. (you need to click the properties panel 'embed button' for every text field on stage, or do it via actionscript and adding the font to the library. If you don't see Times font with your font 'unistalled', then your fonts are embedded properly, to test try on one dynamic text field clicking the 'embed' button and clicking 'unembed', then publishing your projector.

If you don't drag the font out of your system fonts folder to test this and your fonts are not embedded properly in the flash projector, the dynamic text field will use the intended system font if its available to render the text, which actually looks very similar, but different (heavier) to what the font looks like when its embedded properly in the flash file. Without an eagle eye you might not notice this. But your end user certainly will if they don't have that font and see the dreaded Times instead! If your using a dynamic text field in Flash, embedding the font of choice is essential (unless you need a really small file size for the web delivery and don't care about font consistency).

A really helpful resource to learn about text in Flash is called "Foundation Flash CS3 for Designers" By Tom Green and David Stiller and Friends of ED. Chapter 6 "Text in Flash CS3" explains almost everything you need to know about fonts, embedding, aliasing etc.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

wordpress as a cms plugins list (not the usual culprits)

i especially like "custom admin branding", "magic fields", "wp-cms", "more fields", "side content" "wordpress navigation list plugin NAVT", "Ryans simple cms"
all these sound useful and worth a test.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


read this about how to stop people hotlinking... it good... esp for photo based sites...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Setting up a local server for wordpress development on a mac

and... i want it portable....

on a mac, download mamp:

follow these instructions
or these (includes CODA app setup)

and then to localhost multiple sites here is the neatest description for editing apache file and other tricky things...

Adding a Virtual Host is a 2-step process:

  1. Add a new entry to your computer's hosts file.
    • A hosts file can be used to point requests for a domain to a particular IP address--in other words, it lets you re-direct communications to a particular domain. In the case of a virtual host, it can tell the computer to NOT go out on the internet when you type a particular URL like http://clientA/, but instead look for that particular domain on your own computer.
  2. Edit the Apache configuration file to accept Virtual Hosts and define the particular Virtual Hosts you want to setup on your computer. The first step above, merely redirects requests from a particular domain to your computer, but this step prepares the Web server on your computer for handling those requests. In this step, you not only provide the name of the Virtual Host, but also tell Apache where the files for the site are located on your computer.
cross check the instructions with this, it includes a method for backing up the hosts file so if you muck it up it can be recovered. i think ill follow this...
and this...
this guy says to open hidden files with textwragler rather than terminal... i think...
another one
more about virtual hosting
some advanced way of setting up virtual hosting, including an install script...

This is a cheap app that does the apache config and hosts file scaryness for you... and works with MAMP. others say just buy MAMP Pro, but this is cheaper. actually, its free to test, if you want to host more than 3, you buy it.
i just installed it following these instructions. at first it didnt work, either appache or mysql wasnt giving the green light in mamp. i tried quitting, opening mamp again, and resetting the ports to the defaults or something. i noticed the mamp window opened saying you have successfully installed mamp, so maybe it wasnt finished being installed before. i reran the virtualhostx setup wizard, made a test site folder etc, still wasnt working (no apache light i think). i think i had opened and started it the first time from the dock application. this time i opened it from the actual MAMP app, went into MAMP prefs again, and it had changed the ports i was sure i set, from the default 80, 3306, to 8888, 3306. which is weird, it seems the setup script of VHX was changing the ports? anyway, i changed them to 80, 3306, and OK, and restart things, and finally green lights for both.
so summary, if it don't work, check mamp is actually finished installing, and that the ports are still set at 80, 3306.
considering portability of my setup between machines, ive considered using the "export server settings" feature, and import on new machine... i hoping this saved all the site setups... (they prob need same OSX version...) doing this, and drag replacing the mamp apps folders, should give me a portable setup (actually, a backup and write over files process)... eg: on the new machine....
1/ drag and write over old MAMP app folder which contains your dbs (MAMP is meant to be self contained)
2/ import the old computers VHX server settings file into new computers VHX to get your virtual hosts setup as in the other computer. (not sure if this is wrong to do or not... have to try it...)
3/ dev your sites on your portable external HD (pointed to in VHX)
4/ for the FTP stage, use a text editor (not dreamweaver) that easily allows for site info (eg FTP info) to be stored with site files... migrating DWs 'manage sites' info is a major multi step pain. I have read somewhere textmate does this...

OR... (and its looking better by the second...)
install a bootable copy of OSX on the external HD itself...for ultimate portability, use this copy for your web dev work, eg when working with small files... dont install all your crazy apps on there, just web dev associated... it might slow you down like this botting up for it, but it seriously seems like the closest to the holy grail of keeping all your web site dev data (virtual hosts, dbs, apps, prefs, FTP infos, and of course the files, in one PORTABLE place. (other than developing online like through the wordpress admin panel! load reload = SLOW though. )

how to view MAMP sites on your mac from your testing pc... (insecure) i think ill just test PC from live server for now...

if you dont use Coda here is articles about dreamweaver settings and MAMP setup

and if your making emailing / notification forms, setup a local mail server too so that it quicker to test emails aswell

This is all well and good except I work between 3 different computers depending on where I am, I have all my work in progress files from an external HD.
I have been searching for a solution to NOT have the sites db in the Applications/MAMP folder, but all portable on my external HD... or just an easy way to move the files between computers, what needs to be backed up and saved in the MAMP folder I don't know.
A solution I just thought is to partition my external portable HD and boot OSX from it, if that is possible... then I can have my Apps/MAMP folder on the external HD, and all my dbs etc. Its a bit drastic but it might be the actual best solution...

Install MAMP as a disc image alias for portability, looks promising, i don't know how it would work with the hosts file terminal thing for multiple sites, guess can only try it and see...

CODA / MAMP workflow with interesting tip on using WP starter fresh install to speed things up. also like the .dev naming coonventions, gets around a problem I imagine that might happen when you go live to .com

Since you'll be working with fresh copies of WP (and whatever
additional WP plugins or themes that you find yourself adding in by
default), grab a copy of the CreateProject plugin for Coda, and set it
up with whatever your default install of WP is. Speeds up initial
setup like you wouldn't believe.

So far, here's your initial workflow:

1) Create a new Site within Coda

2) Run Coda's CreateProject plugin to generate a default site within
your MAMP Pro's httpdocs directory. I actually have MAMP Pro pointed
at the Sites directory in my user's home directory (i.e., /Users/bob/
Sites/ ), but to each his/her own...

3) Set up a new virtual site in MAMP Pro and point it at the new site.

You're done with initial setup!

Also, with MAMP Pro, you can set up actual domains for your sites. I
use ".dev" as my TLD, so I don't have to go to http://localhost:80/~sitename
or whatever... I can type and access the local

Anyway.... that's a start. Hope this helps you and anyone else looking
for a Coda/MAMP (Pro) workflow.

and then tips for uploading to the webserver
video tutorial
more uploading (key is to not use one click install or wps install script but to import the db and connect manually.
moving wordpress generally, and changing its location
personally i think its easier to dev the theme offline, using dummy text and images, then install wp on server fresh, upload just the theme, add your real text and images online rather than export/import db mess, do final testing online. populating the sites content is often not my job anyway...

stop searching, just follow this tutorial...

install MAMP and virtualhostx (on all computers??) for the virtual domains thing (proper domain names in their root folder for future setup usefulness for more complex sites), and then, drag / drop MAMP app folder to and fro on different machines to keep the DBs up to date... once I've got that setup working proper, try this for making an alias to the apps folder...
but its less important.
I will need to review this setup and test it properly - for something bigger where the DBs are going to be populated offline, or already existant on a site... but for now this should be adequate just for WP theme development across multiple separate sites.

---heads up for mamp settings...

I created a subdomain on the live server for local testing, that way it matches my host setup, much better this way.

If on local only, I would recommend using Mamp Pro, and use the mac default ports so you don't have :8888 issues on the live server.

[ [
contemplating the meaning of existance, what else would I be doing
] ]


Well, to answer the OP, or to help another fellow Mac user without getting into "is mamp good or bad", I can tell you, instead of accessing http://localhost:8888/second_site, you should attempt t access http://second_site:8888

Before you can pull this off though, you should place second_site in your /etc/hosts file.

First, enable show hidden files in finder (google it) or use PathFinder.

Second, go to the alias /etc/, find the file called hosts and copy it to your desktop (You can't edit it in place). Also, make a backup in case something goes wrong (it shouldn't, but it's always smart to back up when you're about to change stuff). In your desktop, open the hosts file and go to the last line. Hit enter to create a new one and type second_site. Save the file, exit, and then copy it back to its original location (/etc).

It might ask you for an administrator account password. Authenticate.

Close all the windows of your browser and restart. Then, attempt to access second_site:8888 or second_site:8888/drupal .

Hope this helps anyone.

more about using certain ports and MAMP info setup

percaution of mamp pro if you use time machine to backup

other stuff:
server on a stick (USB drive)

interesting workflow for wp theme dev

JSP app in similar category, catslapper...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tutorials on creating a wordpress theme and WP as a CMS

This a an amazingly comprehensive tutorial, shows you how to make all aspects of a theme, even 404 pages, and CSS frameworks. By the trusted Themeshaper blogger. Go here first.

another tutorial

PHP 101
read this...

theme dev checklist - really good checklist for a full theme

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

mcafee security info etc read when time

except it dont look like they make mac software. find some mac software

cms security

lots of info about wp security and cms in general, comments contains lots of info. beware ftp hacks, on your actual pc, you infecting the sites from your pc... (keep pcs very secure)

wp security plugins

protecting wp-installations... IMPORTANT

Saturday, October 17, 2009

JQuery demos and learning resources

great site for common learners bits and pieces

this is great for a grid of images with rollover captions.. and the images rollover zoomed

this is for those slide to sites where it slides up or across the page... (use scroll-tp pluin instead??)

self playing slideshow of images with fading and a grey transparent caption at the bottom... good for portfolios etc and could be adapted into other uses.

it would be cool to have a basic gallery site, that you can just click and choose the type of animation...

grow and shrink an image without other things around it being affected...

disjointed rollovers - great for portfolio site or visual menu. it is a rollover version of 'frontpage slideshow' great for a 'preview of menu items. i can see it as a list of links, but when you rollover it shows a preview of that, all in one box.. (would need a combination preloader.. )

this is amazing, sequenced loading of images... id love to do a whole grid of sequenced images, or randomly sequenced images in a grid... ... its great for a nice page load too, to hide the page, then load divs in a sequence that you want... really really nice....

jquery basic rollovers

fade in and out menu images... (id like just text to fade in and out

menu ideas roundup

Saturday, October 3, 2009

other wordpress customisations

this makes the links widget the main menu with categories and pages.

wordpress / thematic tutorial

More horizontal scroll resources

buy this wp theme??? it has horiz scroll....
also, this,
for just thumbnails and fades...

this is a scrolling window that dosnt use the scrollbar, just opposite of mouse effect

a jquery plugin 'anything slider' scrolling pane 4 portfolios
tutorial on it

horizontal tony scrolling script, could be useful:

smooth scrolling plugin - maybe avoid other plugs and just have this for the back link niceness.

css zen garden example

a tutorial on actually building a jquery slider yourself, like the apple store has, with in window scrollbar

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Photographer Site - Horizontal Scrolling of page to view gallery

solutions so far...(make a page display its content aross the page, not down, and its width is variable as content is CMS based... )
recommends using tables, or jquery...
the problem here is that it looks like it relys on each 'item' to have a width set in css, but each of my items will be photos, with differing widths but same heights... it needs to be smart enough to grab the widths from the actual items as they load.

shows a demo with and without jquery

and heres a horizontal website showcase
this in particular is really nice...
reminds me that can porbably use jquery scroll.. maybe... and to have the nagigation all in the left side...
this is also kickass...

Monday, September 28, 2009

WP plugins - Images, Galleries, Thumbnails, to check out (and alts to nextgen)

This is a list that sounds good, Ill post a review of any I try...

General Plugins for images, galleries etc
This plugin adds cropping, resizing, and rotating functionality to Wordpress' image upload and management dialogs. Scissors also allows automatic resizing of images when they are uploaded and supports automatic and manual watermarking of images.

Not really sure, guessing it adds auto resizing funtions.
It scans your content's source code for tags with width and height attributes and passes them to phpThumb, a great PHP image editing library, which handles the resizing and editing of the image.

Hungred Post Thumbnail (for use with ...more and the excerpt, also provides visual thumbnail editor in admin. )

WP Smart Image
  • Choose the image to show throught a friendly widget in your post editor.
  • Choose between the four presets WordPress sizes: Thumbnail, Medium, Largeand Full.
  • Link the image to the article or leave it without a link.
  • Showing images in the posts list, even if those images are not setting to appear in the content.
  • Get the image url instead of the whole tag.
for maing post thumbs and other things, looks promising... is 2.8.4 compatible
it says it needs or works with this plugin...

I've installed WP Smart Image plugin - it works a charm! The most useful features were the ability to make the thumbnail link to post (so make my thumbnail a navigation), resize the thumbnail based on wps admin features, and add the thumbnail from within the new post panel... (once some images were added to the post, and draft saved, the available images would show up to be selected...)
To insert it in my thematic child theme, that was another story, needed to trial and error a custom function to add it how i wanted, hooking into the post header, so it sits above the post titles text... I cant post code here it dosn come out right, but mental note to post the function i used on thematic and to the plugin authors docs. anyway if your not using a child theme you will find it easy to just whack it into the loop.

Regenerate Thumbnails
With just one click, Regenerate Thumbnails will allow you to regenerate both sized thumbnails for all attachments. This is very handy if you've changed either of your thumbnail dimensions (via Settings -> Miscellaneous) after uploading images.
(kickass idea... remember this necessary for updating the look of the site.)

WP Post Thumbnail
WP Post Thumbnail plugin adds an image upload, crop and save panel in 'Write Post' screen. It allows you to easily upload a .jpg image file. Once the image file is uploaded, you can crop it before saving it as your thumbnail. That's it.
Spend less time messing around with Photoshop everytime you need to make a thumbnail (or two) for your post. Also, saves you time and trouble from manually copy-and-pasting uploaded image URLs into custom key value fields.
(only compatible up to 2.6.2 - but once its updated to 2.8.4, it looks rad, as it gives the ability in the GUI to visually crop the thumbnail, good for clients without photoshop... using magazine style blogs... )

The attached Image
The Attached Image is a simple plugin that packs quite a punch. It shows the first image attached to the current post. For example. If you have your home page set to 5 posts and you use this plugin it will show the first image attached to each of those posts.
(shows first image in post... )

JH Portfolio

JH Portfolio provides an admin section for adding portfolio entries, this includes Project Title, Brief, a Main Image, category, main content, additional images, external links etc. The portfolio is ajax powered, so switching between portfolio entries is speedy, but still search engine friendly. There are also pre-made widgets for displaying the portfolio on the front end.

JH Portfolio is still in development but is stable.

(Looks promising, like the cutomising for a portfolios needs... check back on this, later on. )


  • enable simple building of image galleries (it not uses built in media support) � it�s targeted for sites where is WordPress used as a CMS
  • Plugin's second widgetcontains two widgets � one with the list of available galleries and second with images from the selected (or latest) gallery � this widget is aimed for the main page of blog on which is used
(Looks interesting. is new.)

looks promising but not updated for over a year and not compatibale up to the latest version....

Dynamic Content Gallery
This plugin creates a dynamic gallery of images for latest and/or featured posts using the excellent JonDesign SmoothGallery script. By associating your gallery images with individual posts, using Post Custom Fields, the plugin dynamically creates the gallery from your latest and/or featured posts
(Good for a featured things frontpage slideshow... )

Enhancements to WP built in gallery
Cleaner Gallery
  • Validates the aweful XHTML that WordPress spits out.
  • Several options on how you want your gallery images.
  • Allows multiple galleries in a single post.
  • Ability to set the number of images shown in each gallery.
  • Ability to exclude or include any images from your gallery.
  • Doesn't load any JavaScript unless you choose to do so.
Faster Image Insert
This looks kickass - I'll definately check it out, might be one of those default plugins to use on all blogs.
BAM! THIS PLUGIN DOES KICKASS! it basically is everything you ever thought the wp upload image should have... I LOVE THE MASS EDIT FEATURE, it mass adds a title, alt text and size and alignment info to all the images you are uploading. Great for INSERTING IMAGES INTO THE POST, not using the gallery, but rather chucking a whole list of images into the post all at once, but being able to sort them before hand. It really is fast for portfolio type posts...
this plugin is the perfect compliment to the WP Smart Image plugin im using to make post thumbnails, and thus avioding altogether a 'gallery' building plugin, that will break your whole site if it breaks, this way, i am just listing my image in a post, and getting a nice wsiwug thumbnail adder aswell... which if it breaks i can revert to using the custom fields to add a plugin as i already have found the function for that.

Best of all, is now you can insert image(s) much faster, and precisely where you want them to be.

  • No thickbox, using metabox with zero interface blocking, quite similar to the uploader in WordPress 1.5
  • No hacking, default upload interface is not affected, only enhanced.
  • Insert multiple images in gallery & library mode, without using shortcode; can also insert images in reversed order, and even control spacing between images.
  • Mass info editing, change title/captions in one-shot.
  • Smart switches: set default uploader, disable captions & toggle all items.
  • Initial load time is still limited by server, because the default media manager is not fully client-sided.
Casrousel Gallery (JQuery)
(sounds good and simple if i ever need a carousel, (portfolio sites)...
This plugin tweaks the gallery tag ([gallery]) in Wordpress 2.6 thusly by replacing it with a javascript carousel.
BAM! check the demo. I like this.
it probably needs to have some smart loading feature though... load in background maybe or a loading gif... / fade in would be nice... and seems to have issue with IE7... but promising for upcoming sites needing a portfolio slider!!

Image Gallery Reloaded (Looks good...really good... )
A jQuery based Image Gallery Reloaded plugin replaces the default Wordpress gallery with a highly customizable mouseover slideshow and gallery for every post.
(This looks like 'galleria', has slick fade transitions, loading notification, and importantly, it uses WPs built in gallery, so if you get over it, you can disable it and you still have all your stuff in the right place. This I like.) with some cssing magic, i might be able to style thumbnails anywhere, and use for diff layouts...

Gallery Plus
The built-in Wordpress gallery has some options that are accessable through the use of shortcodes, but if you do not know them or the proper input they can be hard to use. Similarly, there is now wat to make system wide changes without having to use shortcodes on all your galleries. This plug-in creates an options page for some of those shortcodes along with adding other features that can extend the gallery's functionality.
(looks great for people using the gallery built in in wp) seems to solve my issue fo needing NO link to a full image as im posting the full image...

AutoNav Graphical Navigation and Gallery Plugin

I wrote this plugin to make it easy for me to write graphical page-based Wordpress sites. I wanted to address these issues:

  • I wanted to create websites with many nested pages, and permit the user to navigate among them by clicking on pictures within the pages, rather than having to use the Page List. I wanted to list child pages in tables, and have the size of the tables, and the number of rows, automatically computed to fit my layout, based on the thumbnail sizes.

This looks good for galleery type sites, using pages. (however, use needs to manually override the function that chooses first image in post aas the posts thumbnail, through a custom field... and it uses tables... but id like to try it because portfolio sites are all about the graphical navigation...)

I wanted to take the convenience and ease of use of the built-in WordPress[gallery] shortcode and add a little more functionality to it. By organizing your galleries as multiple child pages of one parent page, you can use this plugin to see a preview thumbnail and description of each gallery.
(This is sort of what I want, but sort of not... only workss with pages, not posts. spose i could use pages, and use this... ) it compatible up to only 2.7 though...

Photo Galleria is a simple, yet elegant, plugin for photographers, designers and Wordpress 2.5 users alike who want to beautify their Wordpress photo galleries using the jquery framework. The Photo Galleria plugin synchronizes Galleria with Wordpress’ built-in media manager. Simply upload photos as normal and the Photo Galleria plugin will create a photo gallery with fade-in and fade-out effects common on flash-based websites. All the transitions happen inline without having to navigate to multiple Wordpress attachment pages. Pretty neat, eh?
(sounds good... but not updated for a year not compatible with latest version... dh!)
anway mental note nice themes here for portfolios!
this fullscreen theme is great except id want thr whole theme to stay in the format of the front page, not click to posts with little thumb galleries, but browse and view all in this one nice slider... still, digging the big controls and full bleed style...

Custom Field Images

Custom Field Images provides a flexible way to associate an image to a post and display it anywhere on your site.

Easily insert image data

The plugin adds a custom meta box which is designed specifically for image data, making it easier to use than the generic custom fields box. There is also a button for filling the box automatically with an image uploaded through WordPress.

(This could be it, like a custom field, BUT with the upload button... then again, it could be just as hard to integrate as the first thumb maker i tried... actually not sure if it makes the thumb... anyhew IS RECENTLY uupdated, which is a good sign... )

PhotoQ Photoblog Plugin
PhotoQ is a WordPress plugin that turns your blog into a photoblog. PhotoQ is a plugin for photo enthusiasts: If you have a lot of pictures to post, PhotoQ is your ideal companion. With PhotoQ you can mass upload several photos at the same time thanks to its batch upload functionality. PhotoQ places uploaded photos in a queue which gives you a convenient way to manage photos to be posted.

would like to try this out...
heres a nice list of photoblog themes it integrates with, and for future ref

Improved Gallery
  1. Puts all the gallery css in a separte file, for easy customisation and faster page load.
  2. Adds an id attribute to the code, so that two or more galleries can have adifferent number of columns and still display correctly on the same page.
Post Gallery
This WordPress plugin gives you the ability to append any number of images (along with titles and captions) to your Posts (and Pages). Existing images can be resorted and removed at any time.
Could be used maybe for my thumbnailing needs, but with modification. Again, it wants the loop which im having trouble hooking into from the child theme.
But, its a nice field for if every post needed an image after it... or similiar...

Get The Image

I like using custom fields to define images for my posts, so that’s what this script was built upon. So, the script looks for the custom fields Keys that you define. If that Key has a Value (should be an image URL), the image is displayed with your post. If there is no custom field used, the script looks for the first image attached to your post. If there is one, then it grabs that image and uses it.

ok its not what I want, since I already have a custom field happing, and i dont want it automatically selecting the first image in the post, this setting needs to be chosen, it needs to be the best image, not the first, so, other than perhaps resizing the image, it dosnt offer functionality i can see over the custom field thing Ive got working...

**ASIDE im beginning to see the big hole in these photoblog themes, they all assume you want to view one image at a time. this isn't always the case... often photos belong to series, which need to be seen as a set of 2, or more... spreads, triptyches, etc etc... noone is doing this otgherwise i would have grabbed that theme by now...

side note:
heres a good tutorial for modifying the built in gallery to your needs. It recommends not using the gallery shortcode in your pos, but rather, make it happen iun the template, for updateability... dont quite understand this reason, maybe so you can add gallery parameters.... to all posts at once??