Friday, October 30, 2009

Tutorials on creating a wordpress theme and WP as a CMS

This a an amazingly comprehensive tutorial, shows you how to make all aspects of a theme, even 404 pages, and CSS frameworks. By the trusted Themeshaper blogger. Go here first.

another tutorial

PHP 101
read this...

theme dev checklist - really good checklist for a full theme

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

mcafee security info etc read when time

except it dont look like they make mac software. find some mac software

cms security

lots of info about wp security and cms in general, comments contains lots of info. beware ftp hacks, on your actual pc, you infecting the sites from your pc... (keep pcs very secure)

wp security plugins

protecting wp-installations... IMPORTANT

Saturday, October 17, 2009

JQuery demos and learning resources

great site for common learners bits and pieces

this is great for a grid of images with rollover captions.. and the images rollover zoomed

this is for those slide to sites where it slides up or across the page... (use scroll-tp pluin instead??)

self playing slideshow of images with fading and a grey transparent caption at the bottom... good for portfolios etc and could be adapted into other uses.

it would be cool to have a basic gallery site, that you can just click and choose the type of animation...

grow and shrink an image without other things around it being affected...

disjointed rollovers - great for portfolio site or visual menu. it is a rollover version of 'frontpage slideshow' great for a 'preview of menu items. i can see it as a list of links, but when you rollover it shows a preview of that, all in one box.. (would need a combination preloader.. )

this is amazing, sequenced loading of images... id love to do a whole grid of sequenced images, or randomly sequenced images in a grid... ... its great for a nice page load too, to hide the page, then load divs in a sequence that you want... really really nice....

jquery basic rollovers

fade in and out menu images... (id like just text to fade in and out

menu ideas roundup

Saturday, October 3, 2009

other wordpress customisations

this makes the links widget the main menu with categories and pages.

wordpress / thematic tutorial

More horizontal scroll resources

buy this wp theme??? it has horiz scroll....
also, this,
for just thumbnails and fades...

this is a scrolling window that dosnt use the scrollbar, just opposite of mouse effect

a jquery plugin 'anything slider' scrolling pane 4 portfolios
tutorial on it

horizontal tony scrolling script, could be useful:

smooth scrolling plugin - maybe avoid other plugs and just have this for the back link niceness.

css zen garden example

a tutorial on actually building a jquery slider yourself, like the apple store has, with in window scrollbar