great site for common learners bits and pieces
this is great for a grid of images with rollover captions.. and the images rollover zoomed
this is for those slide to sites where it slides up or across the page... (use scroll-tp pluin instead??)
self playing slideshow of images with fading and a grey transparent caption at the bottom... good for portfolios etc and could be adapted into other uses.
it would be cool to have a basic gallery site, that you can just click and choose the type of animation...
grow and shrink an image without other things around it being affected...
disjointed rollovers - great for portfolio site or visual menu. it is a rollover version of 'frontpage slideshow' great for a 'preview of menu items. i can see it as a list of links, but when you rollover it shows a preview of that, all in one box.. (would need a combination preloader.. )
this is amazing, sequenced loading of images... id love to do a whole grid of sequenced images, or randomly sequenced images in a grid... ... its great for a nice page load too, to hide the page, then load divs in a sequence that you want... really really nice....
jquery basic rollovers
fade in and out menu images... (id like just text to fade in and out
menu ideas roundup