Thursday, February 18, 2010

drupal nice menus navigation, filter the function, make it allow html? , wrap two word list items over 2 lines solution

this example changes the output from lis to tds.

this is about making html imputable in drupal menus

a module that adds checkbox to allow html input in menus, im going to test it with nicemenus and see if it works.
yes! this module works with nice menus, dosn't affect it adversly at all, nice little html checkbox on menu link configure pages, and yay break tags between my menu items, and, no fucking up the template functions with my messy copy paste hack efforts!
so much less complicated than trying to say if a menu item has 2 words make a break, or change the space to a break in a function, put the break in where its easy to, IN THE CMS! also means you can add pictures, whatever you want.
so cool.

for me, this solves a huge problem of making the menu items "wrap" when they are 2 words, without using table output for the nav, and even then i dont think it would work properly, and especially it would royally fuck up a fragile drop down module im using which i have gotten perfect except for this last thing, wrapping 2 line menu items, when they are 2 words.
if you add a break to the li in code, the nav items simply shrink to fit the text, like in a one line menu, so it dosnt look weird having huge gaps if the menu items all have the same fixed width.

CSS sticky footer or stretch footer

How to implement a sticky, stretchy footer in Drupal
(It removes #footer from the #page div, and puts it below that, then you can style it to stretch / be liquid. )

used it, and for a zen fixed width theme, all I had to do was comment out the #page margin:0, because my margin: 0 auto; and it is sorted.

general sticky footers example pages
(cute demo page)