Monday, March 29, 2010

Supercheap website solutions for stingey clients

this has great intro presso - build it yourself, $60 per year, includes all that naf stock photog that they seem to love. and apparently spits out code suitable for searching.

also, googles online presso about 101 online marketing watch when time, might be good to pass onto clients to help educate them of process

Thinking for stingey clients who want the moon but only have a small budget and don't value branding, typography, usability, good photography, accessibility, load speed, xbrowser, they basically want a online version of a shoddy print shop brochure but it should show up first in google. (but look and function as slick as their competitors $30K websites and have a CMS and the video content must shoot, edit and encode itself... sighhh. slight exageration but its funny.)

Perhaps their entire budget is best spent on hiring a professional web copywriter/SEO dude to rewrite their copy and restructure their sitemap with landing pages, calls to action, all that. (as they think the way it looks is unimportant anyway and 'branding' is just sticking their logo designed in MS Paint in the top corner :)

Then, with that copy and sitemap in hand based on the copywriter/SEO experts advice, they can use a tool like homestead to build a site themselves that dosn't look like anything inparticular but has mad SEO optimisation.

Perhaps they need a building tool completely unfocussed on graphics. Sort of plain text wireframes, with their logo in the corner of course for clear branding.

Not really sure if that would work, the building tool would have to have decent SEO features so it all comes out right in the code. But its an interesting proposition and question, what's most important, rank in google or clear branding, user experience, etc?

For a small biz, they think always rank in google must be highest priority, except what happens when a potential customer gets to their site using IE6 and the main nav is unusable, or worse has the message 'this site may harm your computer', customer thinks hmmm dodgy these people don't seem that trustworthy I cant even find their contact details and whats with the shit logo and I cant read the text it's black on a red background in 9pt comic sans (for example :)

So what is the point of getting first in google if you can't follow through with something that looks professional and trustworthy?
Homestead templates look like a decent stop gap option for initial stages of growth or companies not needing a specific online strategy. Too bad if your competitor chooses the same template...

DIY wordpress themes roundup:

The thesis theme.
Its a commercial theme framework, as well as a WSIWUG theme.

resonable price of $164 plus $40 per client site.

Good for quick setups, looks easy to customise as blogger. Also apparently has an easy to customise menu for wp as a cms. Id have to trial it for real though to test, menus are hard in wordpress!

But with the base price and say 2 days of setting up and customising the colours and options and plugins, that might be adequate for some clients to get them started online.

Id like to also trial if using the DIY controls in this theme is actually faster than doing it in css. since you cant seem to preview the changes LIVE in the same screen like you can with firebug, I'd guess its a slow process to make a change and check it each time. But for someone who dosnt know css it would be really helpful.

Apparently it also has a feature that help you make custom hooks into the theme functions, which is what I'd find really handy, i don't like too much php.

actually, watched some videos, benefits include:
-simple navigation menu addition, renaming and ordering. (looks to be only one level, not child pages but need to check) its good not to need a plugin for this.
-easily add software scripts to header etc (or... you could just add them to your templates but whatever)
-seo options for each post/page without using a plugin, its all there on the page editing. this is good ya.
-updates. someone else updates the base theme with new versions of wp. I dont have to do it. That is a huge bonus really for the future. not my responsibility! and support if it breaks helps to have one other brain on it.
-the code output is really neat when you view source. even when you alter the design in admin panel, it dosnt write any screwy code, it seems to write to the css or swap stylesheets or something.

Still, it is pretty blog centric. Id like to see thesis as a cms specific features and layouts.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Screen Resolution ultimate 960 grid too big??

researching opinions on what is ultimate screen resolution these days...
- been using the 960 grid vibes and target sizes lately as a default web design standard usually basic mockups are 960 x 600 or so = 1024x768 target.

but future seems SMALLER not larger... uh oh....

eg. eee PC 800x450px resolution - that dosnt account for browser chrome. others are 800 x 400 - not much left vertically at all...doh!!

found this article with a helpful suggestion in comments on approach - js resolution detection

if (screen.width>=1024 && screen.height>=768) {
} else {

of just include the right CSS style sheet after the resolution is detected.

But anyway you have to develop multiple websites to serve all the resolutions.

so if hi res, show this, anything smaller, show something else, makes sense so you dont have to design everything really skinny. you could maybe have a 960 grid thing that narrows a certain column like body text column down depending on resolution...

reminds me of a blog i saw recently that was about 450px wide. Think phones etc are 480px wide, so it optimised for phones. anyway it looked cool. maybe my personal portfolio will be optimised for phones...

other opinions

Well, as with the case of my client, many of the netbooks have quite a decent screen width. Most have a 1024 by 600 resolution – and many of our corporate website designs sit around the 960px width mark, so no need to worry there. What we might need to consider, though, is what sits ‘above the fold’ (i.e. what is visible without scrolling).

some good points listed here too:


cool diagram google!!!!!

90% users - 960x500 is max.

when you get to 630px high it drops to 50% - pretty drastic.

Friday, March 19, 2010

new jquery stuff, easyslider

easyslider - for a sliding across gallery, has buttons, auto, lost of features, easing etc


idisk unavailable

possible fix to try when time- think snow leopard and keychain got screwed. already tried signing in and out and deleting library>filesync


Ok I went through to the help chat.

1. system prefs > account > sign out
2. Try to Sign in with a fake acc - apple/123456 - whatever. Will fail
3. Sign in again.
4. Try idisk in finder. if it works... great if not goto 5
5. spotlight > search for an open keychain access
5. Top menu > KEYCHAIN ACCESS > Keychain first aid.
6. Enter your user and pass > checkbox verify. Start.
7. If verification failed > checkbox to Repair > start
8. Verify
9. Reboot.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why are windows PCs so fucking hard to connect to the internet??? (and virtual pc connectivity troubleshooting)

WHY!!!!!!!!! macs OSX just work and connect with no problem.

seriously, its takes ages to connect to home and office wireless networks.
whats with the usability logic of all these hidden pop-up windows that you find but cant remember how to get back into again, like thing > properties > thing > properties > advanced > thing > properties > REALLY VITAL SETTING BURIED HERE AND CALLED SOMETHING UNINTELLIGIBLE AND LOOKING UNIMPORTANT!
WTF am i meant to get a degree in IT just to connect to the fucking internet?

First step -Does your router filter its wireless by mac addresses (hides itself from everyone except certain chosen computers you have told it are ok) If yes - then you are now finding the mac address of the PC to put into the router so the wireless network can be seen by the PC - had to do some command line thing RUN > cmd > ipconfig /all

got the mac address, aka 'Physical address' put into the router.

Now, can see the wireless network showing up in the 'wireless network connection' > 'choose a wireless network'
select it, click connect, put in the WPA network key /password.

Now its just hung on 'Acquiring Network Address'. This I havn't seen before.

Looking in forums,
-tried some cmd flushdns thing, didnt work.

tried run > services.msc > dhcp cleint > its not stopped or disabled, its 'started' and 'automatic'. restarted it anyway but no fix.

-also have gone to 'network connections' > right click 'wireless network connection icon' > properties > general > Internet Protocol TCP/IP > properties > and yes it is set to 'obtain IP address automatically' and 'obtain DNS automatically'.

IT Does say here - ask your 'network administrator' for appropriate IP settings... This is a clue, perhaps it just cannot get the settings and we need to manually imput them. Fine. What are the settings then...

Now in a window I can't remember how to get back to, I saw that the computer was not being assigned an IP address, it was also submnet mask, default gateway bla bla etc all blank. So I see the PROBLEM, is that the router? or whatever, the computer is not getting its IP address for some reason.

So - we need to either figure out WHY its not getting assigned an IP address, or find out how to give it one that will work. option 2 sounds less time consuming.

well fuck me - the WPA password I typed was wrong. So instead of saying "WRONG PASSWORD try again", its says "ACQUIRING NETWORK ADDRESS" WTF WTF WTF WTF?? this feedback is so illogical... its NOT doing what it says because the password is wrong. why would it say its doing something when it is NOT. Grrrrr I just went on a big google forum trail search for nothing, because the wrong feedback is given.

heres a huge thread on other possible fixes for the same problem
----heres some more fixes anyway for next time this error message happens but for a different reason. Its amazing how many possible fixes there are for this error.
Because when I re-entered the WPA shared key for my home network (open the Wireless Network Connection Status / click on Properties / Select the Wireless Networks tab / select the relevant network from the list under “Preferred Networks” / Select properties / Re-enter the Network Key — note: I found my network key in my router's settings after connecting by wire to the router and visiting — the IP depends on your router), … then all was immediately solved. I had tried many of the things suggested above without any luck.

I had the same problem that began right after I renewed my Trend Micro subscriprion for another year. Turns out Trend Micro installed the “Trend Micro Common Firewall Driver” which was causing this. I found this in the network connection properties and duly uninstalled it.
After rebooting the problem was gone for good!
If you are trying to connect to a wireless network with win xp and hangs on “connecting to network” it may be the MAC filter on the router.. You must add your wireless adapters MAC to this list before connecting..
I think that the last explanation I found a few months sounds plausible in my case. The D-Link router doesn't refresh its address table unless you turn it off and on. That means you have to always go to your router and turn it off in order to reconnect your computer. This is beause Microsoft is more closely aligned with the wireless spec than D-Link is.

---From what I read, the problem we are experiencing is often caused by two points: many routers only reset their DHCP wireless connections upon reboot of the router, 2) windows xp sp2 has follows security protocols more stringently and therefore cannot circumvent #1. The simple solution for me was to use the Alternate DNS configuration tab in Windows XP, which will use some default settings if the IP address is not acquired. This takes a bit longer, because the computer sits tries to first acquire the IP address using DHCP, and only then uses the Alternate Configuration, however, this has worked without any problems. The other option may be to get another router, one which resets the wireless DHCP connections more frequently, but I don't know which routers have this problem, and which don't.

ok round 2: pc internet virtual pc 2007 fuckedness (or AIRFOIL (AIRTUNES?) CAN BREAK YOUR VIRTUAL PC CONNECTIVITY)

so today im happily using my vista virtual machine inside virtual pc 2007 on an XP sp3 host, and then the internet stops working. 'internet explorer cannot display the webpage'. fuck fuck fuck.

illogical. nothing has changed. router hasnt been switched on or off.
internet works in host pc just fine. it was working last night and just now.

how can it just stop working in the virtual PC???? unless someone has hacked them just now. surely not.

i spend an hour looking for solution, changing around settings. then i find...
other person on same wireless connection in another room had turned on AIRFOIL on their mac. not exactly sure how its all setup, but sending the sound (streaming internet radio) from their computer to the loungeroom speakers receiver.

what is weird is that the host machine has no problems with connecting when the airfoil is in use, JUST THE GUEST INSIDE THE VIRTUAL MACHINE. (and just vista guest i think)

i also turned off browser, virtual pc machine, and host machine reboot after the AIRFOIL was turned off. also did the 10 second reset on the modem somewhere in the mix.
an viola, when restart it all, it just works again. WOOOOO!!!

and there is also an extra step i had already done to get it working initially for connecting the virtual PC vista guest to the hosts connection, described here:
and note that in virtual pc console, for each machine click on settings button and networking and the setting should be 2, and 1st is 'shared networking' (NAT) and 2nd is the actual connection. eg. pci fast ethernet or wireless bla bla bla...
also, there is a thing in XP virtual pcs, "address not valid" which you might need to press f12 (in browser i think), and untick 'enable proxy servers' for internet to work.

ok so today was having troubles with vista with a new virtual image

-in the vritual pc consoles list, go settings and choose network, shared networking NAT and then for number 2 select wi fi.
-put in the IP manually in the virtual vistas network settings(see original post for exact way to do it.)
-then went to advanced settings, WINS tab and selected enable netBIOS over TCP/IP (just to do it incase it helped)
-did a 10 sec power cycle on the modem
-shut down vista entirely
-then shut down the host machine entirely

-then on reboot, i clicked on the wireless network connection status properties, fiddled with another airport network on our network by reimputting the password. but then didnt connect to it, just connected to the other one which was connected before but had a dialogue like cannot find a certificate for the network. after looking for network address or something in the status, it showed connected and excellent (in host machine). google worked.

-when i opened the vista virtual pc, started to look for etehernet controller to install, then must have accidently clicked on 'set network location', (possibly in the network icon in bottom toolbar) and chosen private, with the city tower building icon, and it sort of auto configured something. when that was done, it worked...

why i dont know but that is the trouble shooting process for vista virtual machine connecting through an xp host that is connected to a airport wifi.

now for the new xp images.... 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

good article on security for small business

theres so many links in this article to check out. read the site also...

For those of us without the luxury of their own domain, or who are worried that someone might be able to easily guess their addressing scheme, a few e-mail masquerading services are available. My favorite is, which lets you create an unlimited number of e-mail aliases for a modest $2 per month. This way, you can use one unique e-mail per Web site, and all the messages get forwarded to your "real" mailbox. The service even handles replies, so that the Web site never has your real address
running patches for all browsers, adobe, os etc etc.
im concerned cause im running old IE6 for testing purposes...

need to get some virus checking software etc... look into costs etc.

quote - this is didnt know:

The risk of malicious software from P2P (peer to peer) networks far outweighs any legitimate need for BitTorrent or KaZaa. On your personal computer, I still don't advise its use, but I can understand that there are several legitimate reasons for using it. Use reputable Web sites to obtain shareware applications.

If you must participate in P2P, use a separate, nonadministrator user account for those functions. Never run software that you download from a P2P network in your administrator account, and always scan these downloads with several antivirus packages. is a good place to do a quick scan of a dubious download if you don't already have a solid security package such as Norton Internet Security 2010. If you're a tech-savvy power user, run P2P software in a virtual machine to insulate your host operating system.

virtual machines insulate host machines?? did not know this... i wonder if i could set up clean virtual machines say every month, never use the actual host machine for ANYTHING, never connect it to the net, etc, and just make new virtuals often enough. so if one is compromised then it gets deleted soon enough anyway.


alts to omnigraffle or the thing i made:

reviews etc

this cool app you can draw wireframes in it - and output sketchy style, so client dosn't think its a design. - online and offline app avail, etc

this one too