quick noteabout IE6 and having a div that has a class applied to it as in the html below.
CSS is
#adivoneverypage {its styles}
special styles for just one unique page- as a class -but inheriting 'base' styles from above that are common to allpages with this div. (Mainly just to reduce repetition in the CSS file)
styles for a different unique page to above- as a class -but inheriting 'base' styles from #adivoneverypagethat are common to allpages with this div.
special styles for a different unique again page to above- as a class -but inheriting 'base' styles from #adivoneverypagethat are common to allpages with this div.
so the problem being - that in IE6 -it only applies the special class styles which come first in the source order of the CSS, and none after that!!! its as if these special styles just arent there, IE6 STOPS reading the styling after the first one is applied. You can test by copy pasting the last special class style and putting that first (after the #adivoneverypage styles) in the CSS source order. Then its styles will be seen by IE6 - but not the ones below it.
My fix to try is NOT USING class selectors on DIVS to make specific changes, but having just a unique div on every page and repeat the same a few times in the css instead of once and having all the classes inherit it.
so the HTML is instead:
CSS is
#adivforacertainpage {its styles}
and for each page have unique div IDs. Which is a shame because sometimes these divs on each page are practically identical except for maybe a bit of different padding is necessary for a certain page, or something like that, but otherwise they are the same size, have the same margins, positioning etc etc, so its a shame to have to repeat the CSS over and over again.