Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Conclusion Flash Video and video playlists and so on

Conclusion is that a Flash video/media gallery/playlist with the goodness of SWFObject or Jquery Media ready to go dosn't exist.

This thumbnails menu jquery plugin. 
 if you dont mind adding in the flash object/embed / whatever tags by hand, (havn't tested this) dont know how this would work with flash detection, fallback content and so on... (the example uses youtube referenced videos dosn't show how to use it with embedded videos and all the options/ problems those create.) 

Someone should make a mashup. 

Good options then are:
Wimpy Rave - paid video player and playlist functionality. They also make nice mp3 music players. Skinable I think. Not too expensive. 

I've used wimpy wasp before, it locks your licence to a certain domain name registration which is a bit scary but its cheap (about $30AU i think) only drawbacks... the player controls' skin back then was not nice looking, too pc ish, and I dont think it was skinnable. BUT it did provide a very good way to utilise popups, (not modal/lightbox) and not have to make a new html page for each new popup... = fast updating for adding new files. And files are listed as simple links, no worrying about object/embed tags and all that messy stuff. Easy to update and read and copy paste in the future... 

A lightbox style dialog box that can take flash, other videos, pics etc. good for consistency. $20 for a dev to use it on multiple sites. 
BUT their flash video flv example uses JW player to play the flash video... so maybe your going to need em both... ? don't know if it can be used without JW player that would be another question/ test to do. 

ALSO - there is more than one issue that all these plugins and so on are dealing with.

flvs dont just play in the browser, like quicktimes, they need a player installed on the hosting site. A player can be made in Flash if you have it. (A player is the control bar with buttons etc). Or you can use players like wimpy, jw player and so on. 

ISSUE 2: Flash content if you arent streaming from youtube, vimeo etc, needs to be embedded in the page. There seems to be no exactly right code to do this but a whole heap of bugs and some nearly right code to do it that uses javascript. 

You need to add browser/player detection script to make sure users have the right version of flash player installed to be looking at your content. 

So its all a big drag really. 

JW Player... 
39 pounds is like $100 AU - TOO MUCH!!

$95USD for 1 domain!! too expensive!!

Provides an all Flash interface for video playlists. Snappy scrolling of the playlist thumbnails. XML playlist for the videos. $59.95USD for non streaming version. Has a referral program. 

This looks ok too

I dont know what these players do that Wimpy dosn't - but wimpy is cheaper.