There is such confusion between 'clearing floats' and 'containing floats' and 'triggering HasLayout'. They are all called clear fixes but are different things really.
eg this comment from
That is for pushing down the bottom edge of a container to wholly contain its floated children, which is a different problem altogether.
Totally! So much focus on 'containing floats' methods.
I've come across a situation where I actually need a float to just clear the one before it for layout purposes, because IE7 cant handle float and clear on the same element, it's actually not a float containment/hasLayout problem, but a serious limitation as it just cant do this layout it seems, its a real bug, no type of clearfixing/HasLayout is helping. It dont care if the float parent contains the children or not, I just need it to clear!
See demo, it is situation #3:
I actually think I need to use an empty clearing element in the markup... the author of that demo says elsewhere that there is no solution.
Cant even use the :after pseudo class for this weird purpose since IE7 dosn't read that...
only solution that keeps coming up
Other good resources on modern clearfix use:
Good post explaining block formatting context, more indepth use of clearfix and how it can cause more problems if your not thinking about it.
This is an evolved clearfix hack, using a space instead of a period. (see comments for using a unicode space, and line height etc to make it even more invisible.
eg see the hack at the end for clearfix on the 960 grid css. uses a unicode space and zoom:1 for IEs. I prefer zoom:1, its simple, dosnt mess with overflow, and is clearly just for older IE, and goes just in IEs stylesheet. I like it since I always rememebr what its there for, whereas an overflow property might be there for a different reason and if you forget to comment it, you might not realise its a haslayout trigger.
A nice roundup of IE6 specific fixes for HasLayout and a few specific things
A JQuery plugin that shows you when your floats aren't cleared!!!! this is cool!